A rectangle with perimeter 44 units is partitioned into 5 congruent rectangles, as indicated in the diagram. Find the perimeter of each of the congruent rectangle.
I hope that the hint figure given below will help you to answer this!
Well sir, I think each rectangle will have the perimeter equals to 24 units...i concluded just with hit and trial...do post the correct answer as well as the correct approach to go about such questions !
--> Dear All We are well aware that CBSE is acknowledging the concept of internal assessment in Mathematics for the past three years wherein a student studying in class IX and X is supposed to submit a project work in Mathematics. This project can be in the form of extended learning in the subject or related to real life situations as well. Click here to download the evaluation performa for the same. I have observed that students are usually confused while selecting the topic for their project work. That is why; I want to share a few possible topics to help them pick up a suitable topic which suits their aptitude and attitude (as separate posts). Students will have the liberty to take the decision of taking up individual or a group projects (though they need the consent of their concerned math's teacher!). I would also discuss (in brief) about each topic and share some related resources which may prove to be helpful. few suggested topics are: 1. day on given ...
Dear Students I am very glad to make available all the assignments already given to you in the school (Class X, XI and XII). I will also upload all the assignments that you will be getting in near future. Do practice and enjoy Mathematics! Follow this blog and be updated... CLASS IX MY BOOK : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Challenging Olympiad CLASS X Real Numbers Polynomials Linear Equations Word Problems Quadratic Equations Arithmetic Progression Triangles Introduction to Trigonometry Applications of Trigonometry Co-ordinate Geometry Circles Area Related to Circles Surface Areas and Volumes Statistics Probability MY BOOK : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Theorems Challenging Olympiad CLASS XI Enrichment Assignment (Not from examination point of view) Sets Relations and Functions Trigonometry Mathematical Induction...
Dear Students Of Class XII It is observed that many a times, after teachers have explained certain topics and have discussed certain questions from the related exercise, not all the questions of the exercise are being solved/attempted by the students. It is practically impossible and undesirable for the teacher to solve each and every question in the class itself. The remaining questions are supposed to be attempted by the student at home. However, it is very much possible that the student is unable to successfully solve all of them. After discussing this issue with the students, I have decided to make the NCERT textbook solutions available at my blog. The solutions are taken from www.meritnation.com. You can directly visit this website but you will first need to register there and the solution of only one question can be seen at a time. This might be a cumbersome process while you are checking your answers. Therefore, to save the student’s time and to make those solutio...
Well sir, I think each rectangle will have the perimeter equals to 24 units...i concluded just with hit and trial...do post the correct answer as well as the correct approach to go about such questions !
ReplyDeletewell... the correct answer is 20 units!
ReplyDelete20 hai pyare