Suggestions for students preparing for the exams

Before going to the Examination Hall

1. Avoid indigestible food, excessive liquids and stimulants like cola, coffee or tea in the previous night.
2. Avoid late night reading.
3. Sleep for six hours at least, to get enough rest.
4. Avoid discussion about previous papers.
5. Plan some relaxation in the morning like listening to light music or going for a short walk or a jog for 15 to 20 minutes.
6. Do not attempt any new revision topics on the day of examination.
7. Eat light food with good nutritive value well before you start from home on the way to examination hall. Keep a small water bottle along with to keep you well hydrated.

In the Examination Hall

1. Minimize waiting time outside the examination hall. It is always good to have known the exact examination hall and seat on the previous day.
2. Walk straight into examination hall on the day of examination.
3. Avoid anxiety provoking discussions with friends e.g. discussion on topics or questions or nervous feelings you have, etc.
4. Practice positive self-statements like "I am going to do well", "I am well prepared for this examination', ‘I have come here to pass the examination with good grades’.

 In the Examination Seat
1. Settle and compose yourself.
2. Layout your equipment. e.g. pen, pencil, compass etc at leisure with cool mind.
3. Take fifteen minutes to read the paper and check instructions carefully and then underline key words in questions in your mind and plan.
4. Try to write legibly.
5. Leave space after each answer.
6. Select the question you know the answer best.
7. Write simply in short sentences, with correct spellings.
8. Avoid long background introductions in your answers.
9. Do not worry about the number of supplementary sheets used by the other examinees. Just concentrate on your own job.
10. Plan your time - drive the time according to the marks allocated to each question.
11. Stick to your time budget - try to keep ten minutes time at the end so as to permit you to tie supplementary, check roll no. etc.
12. If you are running out of time - remember that two half answered questions fetch more marks than only one fully answered question. So never leave any question unattempted.
13. Always leave fifteen minutes in the end to check your answers. This strategy helps to make minor changes, recheck any inadvertent omissions and adds to the mental peace for further examination papers.
Wish you all the very best for the examinations. It's absolutely fine and normal to be nervous. But your nervousness must never hold you back from performing your part.
All is well! Learn to Smile through Stress. Stay calm, be cool, be healthy, eat healthy, prepare well, do well and then wait for the magic to unfold. The World's all yours ... Go, Win it !

Wishing you a successful life!
Amit Sir


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